Using the RatOs Filament Unload Macro¶
RatOS has a very nice filament unload macro that seemingly produces a nice tip and reduces stringing. Adding it to a vanilla klipper installation is easy too:
# Based on
[gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT]
description: Unloads the filament. Note: be careful with PETG, make sure you inspect the tip of your filament before reloading to avoid jams.
variable_filament_unload_length: 130
variable_filament_unload_speed: 5
{% if params.TEMP is defined or printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'false' %}
M117 Heating...
# Heat up hotend to provided temp or 220 as default as that should work OK with most filaments.
M104 S{params.TEMP|default(220, true)}
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=extruder MINIMUM={params.TEMP|default(220, true)}
{% endif %}
{% set unload_speed = printer["gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT"].filament_unload_speed|float * 60 %}
{% set unload_length = printer["gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT"].filament_unload_length|float %}
M117 Unloading filament...
# Extrude a bit
G0 E10 F300
# Extract filament to cold end area
G0 E-5 F3600
# Wait for three seconds
G4 P3000
# Push back the filament to smash any stringing
G0 E5 F3600
# Extract back fast in to the cold zone
G0 E-15 F3600
# Continue extraction slowly, allow the filament time to cool solid before it reaches the gears
G0 E-{unload_length} F{unload_speed}
M117 Filament unloaded!
RESPOND MSG="Filament unloaded! Please inspect the tip of the filament before reloading."
All I did was move the variables filament_unload_speed
and filament_unload_length
from the RatOs configuration macro to this macro.